

Welcome to the Medical Offices of Dr. Qian

Specialist in Traditional Chinese Medicine


Doctor Qian Weihua, born in 1964, has been practicing acupuncture for over 32 years.

At the age of 18, she entered one of the best Chinese Medicine universities in China to successfully obtain her diploma in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture after 8 years of study.

During her studies, she obtained among other things the 1st prize in the national examination of Chinese Medicine.

During her 32 years of practice, Ms. Qian Weihua has followed numerous and regular periods of continuous training and has never stopped studying to perfect her art, which makes her a rare and recognized professional in Switzerland.

Doctor Qian Weihua can be described as a Master in Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.

Very attentive to her patients and endowed with an enormous sense of observation, the Doctor makes it her duty to obtain the best results for her patients, women, men, children and adolescents.

Treatments (not exhaustive)

• Pain Killer: Treatment of all types of pain, migraines, back pain, sciatic nerve pain, etc.
• digestive disorders
• sleeping troubles
• Anti-stress, anxiety
• Strengthening of the immune system
• Sterility, menstruation problem, symptom of menopause, sexual disorders
• Skin disease: eczema, shingles, neurodermatitis, herpes



Please view the video of CCTV 13 visit to DR Qian

During Chinese President Xi Jin Ping's visit, Chinese national TV CCTV 13 also interviewed Dr. Qian Wei Hua at our center MTC Santé Sarl  in Geneva.

Dr. Qian graduated from Chengdu  Traditional Medicine University in 1987.
Always one of the top students, she won the country first prize of the Ministry Health examination.


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